I am raising two precious children. One of them has autism. It is a small part of our very wonderful life.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Hubby finally took TC to the dr. before Christmas. He had an upper respiratory infection. He is now doing much better! Our Christmas was great but my camera died and I don't have hardly any pics. But here is one my hubby's cousin took!
TC has been really sick these past couple of days. Luckily hubs and I didn't have to miss work. Sara is a really good big sister and she took care of TC today. Hubs went and got TC a lot of over the counter meds today. Hopefully he will get to feeling better soon.
The new job is going well and I am learning more everyday!
TC is so full of it lately! His dad told him the other day that he had hurt his feelings and TC's reply was, "Dad your feelings don't matter, only my feelings matter." LOL.
Then the other day he told Sara, "Get out of my face you chunky girl."
He was being not so nice yesterday and I told him I was telling Santa. His answer was, "Mom, YOU are the one on the naughty list, not me!"