Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A day off and lots to do

I stayed home with TC yesterday. He sweated out a fever Monday night. I got a lot of things done around the house and dinner was done when hubs and Sara got home from school and work!

Last night TC had a meltdown because of "not wanting to go to school."
I hope he does okay today! He seemed fine this morning.

I am so ready for March 31st! My last day at work!
Here's hoping I can find another job once I start with good benefits.
I found out today that Obama extended the act for Cobra which means I only pay 35% of the premiums for me and Hubs insurance once my job goes away. Otherwise I would have been without insurance. I can hopefully get the kids on Chips. I plan on using some of my severance to cover insurance premiums while I am off. I am trying to get things squared away.

One day at a time!


BEE said...

one day at a time is right
best of luck :-)

Nikki B. said...

i tagged you on a "where will you be in 10 years game!"